Call us: 360-539-8266
Welcome! Olympia Mouse Control is a full-service wildlife control company specializing in the permanent removal of mice, rats, and other rodents in Olympia, Washington. Call us at 360-539-8266 any time. Whether you have a problem with mice in your house, rats in your attic, or rodents scratching in the walls, we can solve it! We are fully trained and know everything about the rodents of Washington, especially mice. The key to PERMANENT mouse control lies in our preventative work - we seal the mice out of your house forever. We answer our phone 24/7, and can schedule a same-day or next day appointment. See why we are voted Olympia's best animal removal company! Check out our Olympia mouse control prices. Some of the services we offer include:
- 100% Permanent Mouse Eradication
- House, Roof, and Attic Inspections
- Preventative Rodent Exclusion Repairs
- Mouse Droppings Cleanup in Attic
- Olympia, WA Mouse Removal
- Poison-free Mouse Control Solutions
- Rodent Exclusion Barriers
- Dead Mouse Removal - Walls or Attic
Some Educational Articles I Wrote:
CALL US ANY TIME AT 360-539-8266
We are experts in mouse control. We are not a typical Olympia exterminator company. We don't treat mice like insects, because they are not - they are mammals! You can't just use poison to get rid of them, like you can with insects. We focus on complete and permanent solutions. We don't just use poison every month. We solve your mouse problem forever, by following these steps:
- Inspect the entire house, ground to roof, and the attic
- Seal shut all entry areas, no matter how small, with steel
- Set a dozen or more mouse traps in the house and attic
- Remove all mice as they are caught and monitor for activity
- Once there is no more activity and no more caught, we're done
- When necessary, we clean mouse droppings, replace insulation, and repair chewed electric wires
What Prices Do We Charge?
Every wildlife situation is different: What type of animals? do you need trapping, prevention, repairs, cleanup? Call us and we can give pricing for your situation.
We specialize in the removal from mice inside homes and attics.
Olympia mouse tip of the week: Moth balls or peppermint to deter mice - Moth balls and peppermint are poor substances to deter mice. Not only are these items considered mild in the scheme of odors, the levels needed to be toxic to a mouse would be toxic to a human as well. If you want to live in your home, you will be unable to put out the needed amount of moth balls to chase away a mouse. Even if you could, the mouse would be unlikely to leave. The animals may become sick from the smell, but it would stay inside the home until it died somewhere within the walls. Peppermint is just as useless in the battle against rodents. It would be nice to think that there was a natural substance that could be used to deter mice, but no natural substance is going to chase rodents away from an established home. Mice are used to living in areas where the smells are less than desirable. Peppermint is only the dream of someone who wants to avoid harsh chemical or lethal removal methods. The reality is that odor deterrents are not practical against most pest animals. If you want to get rid of mice for good, you need to have the animals trapped and removed from the home. Doing this after you seal up the exterior of your building will ensure that you do not have a problem in the future.