Will a Mouse Attack Me in My Home?

The chances of a mouse actually attacking you in your home are slim to none. They are not a confrontational animal usually, and you are a much larger animal than they are, in every possible way. One of your hands could envelope the tiny rodent, but that's only if you're fast enough to actually catch one.

The average mouse can scamper away at up to 8mph. Just to give you a little bit of perspective, the equivalent of this would be a full-grown adult running at somewhere over 160mph. 8mph for a mouse is pretty darn fast.

Not only that, of course, but mice are actually tiny. An adult mouse is only going to be around 20cm in length, half in body and half in tail. It can slip through spaces in your home that you didn't even realise were spaces to begin with. Those two facts alone make the mouse a very formidable opponent, especially when you want to eradicate them from within a building. But that's not all the mouse has on its side …

Mice can swim, although it is more common to find swimming rats. Rats can survive for long periods of time in water, such as that found in sewers, but mice prefer slightly better dwellings, with dryer surroundings.

Mice can also jump, although as you can probably imagine, they can't jump that high and are better at jumping across or down than over a gap.

Will a mouse attack you in your home? Not likely, although they can sometimes jump right towards you when they're sprung up against. This is not going to be an attacking motion, but is probably the safest route for the rodent to get out of that difficult and dangerous situation very quickly.

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